Electronic Banking Extension CZ

izdevējs IT.integro sp. z o.o.

Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in Czechia and streamline transaction processing

Electronic Banking Extension CZ streamlines the exchange of transaction information, payment proposals and bank statements between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and banks in Czechia. The application can be easily integrated with the local Czech functionality within Business Central and extended with any other local features to support local legal and banking requirements.

The application is part of the Electronic Banking solution that consists of:

  • Electronic Banking Base App that offers powerful functional extensions to Business Central (available for free on AppSource) and,
  • Electronic Banking Extensions (incl. Electronic Banking Extension CZ for Czechia) that provide integration with local banks and support local legal requirements.
Such a solution is ideal for global and multi-site companies as it ensures a standardized flow for processing different data exchange formats used in local banks. The solution connects Dynamics 365 Business Central with multiple banking interfaces and guarantees secure and efficient transaction data processing.

On AppSource

See Electronic Banking Base App and local Electronic Banking Extensions for different countries

We are continually extending Electronic Banking Extension CZ with new interfaces that connect Business Central with banks in Czechia. If you need an interface for a specific bank in Czechia or an application for banking in other countries, contact our team at

Communication with Banking Systems

The Electronic Banking solution is ready to support different communication scenarios:

  • manual file exchange for formats such as SEPA, MT, CSV, XML,
  • direct communication (API) such as Web Services,
  • direct communication (Host-to-Host) with SFTP.

Features and Benefits

  • Functional enhancements, including:
    • customizable templates of payment proposals and bank statements
    • payment proposal (bank transfer) export
    • bank statements import with automated mapping, reconciliation/settlement
    • remittance advice
    • Electronic Banking Register
  • Better control with electronic banking user roles, workflow, and approval steps
  • Flexibility to add new interfaces for banks, communication types and bank data file formats
  • Standardized and reliable process flow for all local banks and countries worldwide
  • Fewer errors at bank transfer and bank statement settlement processing
  • Improved collaboration with your local and global contractors and banks

Supported Editions

Electronic Banking Extension CZ can be used with either the Essentials or Premium version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries


Supported Languages

English (United States)

Other languages are available on request.
